Ecommerce tools to market and convert seasonal looks and trends.

Digital lookbook pages to market seasonal trends, powered by Flossie

Launch hair trend campaigns with integrated ecommerce features allowing consumers to easily book ‘a look.’

Deliver a true omnichannel experience allowing salon appointments to be made in just a few clicks.

A modern digital lookbook landing page.

Digital lookbook trends pages, powered by Flossie
Digital lookbook trends pages, powered by Flossie
Digital lookbook trends pages, powered by Flossie

Interactive pages hosted on a custom domain. Establish effective acquisition and retention channels for brand fans to book ongoing new hair trends.

Incorporate AI-driven try-on tools, allowing consumers to test the look first.


Flossie can safely access and aggregate booking data salon booking systems.

Data is securely stored in Flossie’s central repository.

The data is formatted so it's usable and ready for merchandising as ‘instant bookable services.’

A complete suite of tools to track the entire customer journey.

Access business performance and actionable analytics, powered by Flossie

Track the entire customer journey with unique links from Salon Locators or booking site.

Understand conversion and drop-off rates.

First-party data ownership for re-marketing, cross-sell and up-sell.

Accurate targeting of relatable and relevant trend inspirations to your brand fans.