Access actionable insights and predictive analytics, powered by Flossie

Access realtime booking behavior insights and analytics.

Get aggregated views of anonymized consumer behavior and booking transactions from across your entire Salon Partner network.

Alleviate the challenge of limited data visibility and automated data flows.


Flossie can safely access and aggregate booking data from your Salon Partners booking & POS systems.

Data is securely stored, formatted and standardized in Flossie’s central repository.

Combine this with connecting Flossie’s API to your own internal systems. 

Automated data flows into a centralized insights dashboard.

Insights and analytics to ‘power up’ your different business functions.

Combine booking data and anonymized consumer behavior to empower collective knowledge.

  • Salon performance & product analysis

    Order volume & inventory turnover rates

    Lead time, margin & cost-to-serve analysis

  • Purchase pattern analysis

    Product life cycle evaluation

    Trend forecasting

  • Customer segmentation analysis

    Booking frequency & order value analysis

    Service / product link (cross-selling insights)

  • Category demand trends

    Competitive benchmarking

    Seasonal / regional sales trend analysis

  • Market segmentation & analysis

    Product-market fit analysis

    Cross-channel marketing effectiveness

Utilize booking data to drive smarter marketing.

Develop a direct relationship with consumers and utilize data analytics to create ongoing personal interactions.

Feed this into ongoing marketing that’s targeted and relevant.